Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 5, 2010 - Punta Gorda, Florida

It was a short trip to our next stop, Isles Yacht Club, in Punta Gorda, just two miles across Charlotte Harbor.
Here, we knew we were in the right channel, as the Club had a welcome sign on a piling in the water.
The Club is beautiful, rebuilt since Hurricane Charley ruined their clubhouse, among many other buildings for miles around, including the Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club from which we had just departed. At IYC, their progression of reconstruction is documented through a photo gallery in the activity center: first a tent for member events, then a modular building (now housing the boaters’ showers, library, Laundromat and activity rooms), and finally this lovely clubhouse. An outdoor pool is just to the left of the clubhouse.
While there, we treated ourselves to a fine prime rib dinner, served in style, with linen tablecloths, and fine china and glassware monogrammed with the Club burgee.
Speaking of burgees, we are pleased to notice when we enter a reciprocal yacht club harbor as a guest, the club will often hoist the Marathon Yacht Club burgee on the yardarm, to make us feel especially welcomed.
We happened to arrive the day before this Club’s big celebration of the blessing of the fleet, and the docks were dressed with colorful flags. We did need to depart in the morning, as they had a full house booked with member boats for the festivities.

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