Sunday, July 1, 2012

June 17 - 18, 2012 - Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada

The southwest corner of Georgian Bay offers plenty of anchorages, a fair number of cottages, and a bit of boat traffic. Delivery vessels like this one are particularly helpful when so many cottages are on islands. On the Garden Channel, off Isle of Bute, we found another good night anchorage for Monarch. The next morning, we were up with the chickens and off in pea soup fog for the six-hour run across Georgian Bay to Wingfield Basin.
The fog just was lifting as we approached Cabot Head and the entrance to Wingfield Basin.
This natural harbor, at the very peak of the peninsula, has a well-marked, narrow channel.
The only sign of civilization was a house on the point, and a sailboat at anchor, with nasty storms coming. We were safe on our anchor, but this sailboat dragged during the night, and we saw her working her way off the shore the next morning, with no harm done.

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